The second of the planned visits to each of the use case scenarios has taken place at CESA (Compañía Española de Sistemas Aeronáuticos) on the 25th of January 2017. Representatives of almost every member of the consortium visited CESA facilities in Madrid in order to get a clear view of this industrial use case scenario.
The aim of the meeting was providing the members of the consortium a better understanding of what is the current situation of the use case, understanding its main problems and needs and last but not least, starting to identify how A4BLUE goals can be achieved and implemented on CESA use.
The meeting was organized in 3 main blocks. During the first part of the meeting CESA presented the use case scenario in more detail. CESA scenario focuses on the assembly and auxiliary operations of a main landing gear retraction actuator. In particular, two application scenarios have been selected: deburring operation and integrated information system for assembly operations.
After this theoretical first part of the meeting, the consortium had the chance to take a very close look to both phases of CESA use case at the shop floor.
First stop was at the deburring area, where a short demonstration of the process was done by an expert operator. This experienced worker explained the visitors the problems he faces daily and identified the areas where a collaborative robot and an integrated HMI system could bring a significant improvement in terms of time, safety, quality of the work and knowledge sharing. Means of virtual reality were as well suggested to make the operators training easier.
Right after deburring the group visited the cell dedicated to the assembly of big actuators. There, they had the chance to see by themselves each of the difficulties that an operator faces to access the information required for assembling these kind of actuators.
The aim of the meeting was providing the members of the consortium a better understanding of what is the current situation of the use case, understanding its main problems and needs and last but not least, starting to identify how A4BLUE goals can be achieved and implemented on CESA use.
The meeting was organized in 3 main blocks. During the first part of the meeting CESA presented the use case scenario in more detail. CESA scenario focuses on the assembly and auxiliary operations of a main landing gear retraction actuator. In particular, two application scenarios have been selected: deburring operation and integrated information system for assembly operations.
After this theoretical first part of the meeting, the consortium had the chance to take a very close look to both phases of CESA use case at the shop floor.
First stop was at the deburring area, where a short demonstration of the process was done by an expert operator. This experienced worker explained the visitors the problems he faces daily and identified the areas where a collaborative robot and an integrated HMI system could bring a significant improvement in terms of time, safety, quality of the work and knowledge sharing. Means of virtual reality were as well suggested to make the operators training easier.
Right after deburring the group visited the cell dedicated to the assembly of big actuators. There, they had the chance to see by themselves each of the difficulties that an operator faces to access the information required for assembling these kind of actuators.
Finally a workshop took place in order to give response to partners’ doubts, to identify possible collaboration ways between partners and discuss how to ensure that the final A4BLUE solution for CESA use case scenario fulfills all the main objectives of the project. In other words, the new and possibly automated workplaces at CESA resulting from A4BLUE, should be sustainable, adaptable to evolving requirements and keep a safe interaction with human workers.