The publication of the new call for Development Contracts for Strategic Productive Chains is expected shortly, allocating €500 million from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The initiative aims to support large scale investment projects promoted by SMEs and large enterprises across the country, with a minimum investment of €20 million. Proposals may focus on industrial development or environmental protection programmes designed to enhance the competitiveness and resilience of strategic supply chains, with the possibility of integrating research, development, and innovation activities.
The call identifies nine strategic sectors eligible for funding:
- Agri-food industry
- Design, fashion, and furniture
- Home system
- Metallurgy and steel industry
- Instrumental mechanics, electronics, and optics
- Automotive
- Trains, ships, aircraft, and the aerospace industry
- Chemical industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
When submitted by more than one enterprise, admissible investment projects must be functional to the settlement or the enhancement of relevant productive chains. As for the investment projects submitted by a single enterprise, they must lead to positive effects for the other actors concerned of the productive chain. The financial support will be granted in the form of subsidized loans and non-repayable grants. The selection and evaluation of the programmes grounds on the following criteria: employment impact; level of innovation; involvement of SMEs. The publication of the implementing call is expected soon.
Discover more here.