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Friday, May 3, 2024

Introducing the coordinator of the C4B project: CiaoTech - Gruppo PNO

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The agri-food system is extremely complex and requires measures that lead to the redesign of conventional business models. To date, we know that, despite the potential key role of primary producers in fostering the implementation of circular bioeconomy models, their participation in bioeconomy initiatives remains rather limited.

The C4B Project brings together some of the foremost experts in the field, who will complementarily analyse current value chains from multiple perspectives. This will lead to the development of innovative circular and sustainable business models that will help overcome these challenges.

For several years now, CiaoTech-PNO Group has increasingly embraced and solidified its commitment to supporting the bioeconomy and agri-food sectors. We've actively engaged in, and even coordinated, various European initiatives. Leveraging our expertise in project management, technology intelligence, and impactful dissemination & exploitation activities, we've become a trusted partner for driving innovation and progress in these vital sectors.

In C4B, CiaoTech-PNO Group handle project management and coordination, oversee stakeholder analysis, and collaborate with PNO Spain colleagues to support all exploitation and replication activities across Europe.

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